I don't know... I'm hearing the argument that all console names are dumb loud and clear, but something about this one seems particularly dumb, and I'm having a really hard time swallowing it. I mean, they failed to think about the practicality of it... What happens when I call up the store and ask, "do you have so-and-so for the Wii?" "I'm looking for a Wii, do you have one?" "Do you guys have Wii games?" "You guys should come over and check out my Wii, it's really cool." "Do you have a Wii yet?" "Does your girlfriend play Wii?" I mean, WTF am I saying? This word can be misinterpreted in SO MANY WAYS it's not even funny. It's NOT FUNNY! The other names we're talking about are just stupid, they don't have so many undesirable connotations and possibilities for misunderstanding, and I think that's going to be the real problem here.
I'm swimming in the digital residue of a media-drenched world. It's too cold.