Back when I lived on the farm, we kept deer away from our gardens in the summer by peeing around the fenceline. Apparently when we eat meat, there is some residue in human urine which identifies us as predators. Soo..... you have rodents.... Feline urine or scent. Introduce the smell of a large predator, and they should go away. It won't work if the cat or predator is on a vegetarian diet though.
I have no idea where you would find the stuff, the only places I could think of, would be vet clinics, or possibly some hunting supply place for animal scent like bobcat or musk of some type.
And yes I am serious about the information, as strange as it sounds, it works.
When all else fails, call animal control, the zoo, or vet clinic for some tips.
Last edited by Captain Pike; 04-27-2006 at 07:14 PM..