Originally Posted by limited
That list is plain mean. I understand that one day I'll be saying how true it is, but for now I have never seen a more cynical approach to reality. I'm sure you can find a better way to look at life than through that distorted looking glass
it makes me chuckle that you call that looking glass distorted. I'm 23 come july, and graduation is in August. guess what, college is nothing like high school, and the professors care less than high school teachers. tenured professors mean that they don't have to teach you, you don't have to learn, but as long as enough people in their class pass to make it appear that someone taught and someone learned, they get payed. and let's face it, their mortgage means a hell of a lot more to them than your education. just like their car note, their wife's birthday and their children. college also has very little to do with intelligence, and very much more to do with effort.
and try a fulltime job sometime. especially in a college town with 40000 other equally qualified candidates in the same age bracket that would be happy to take your occupation. you want tough bosses, try college town bar owners and managers. they have the most highly sought-after jobs and the largest pool of willing people to choose from. i've worked in three in the last year and a half; one got shutdown, one i got fired from for missing one minor's ID, and the other was working me 45 hours a week in the fall while i had 13 hours of class. life does
not care about you, nor does the general public, and they
will crush you if you don't know how to square your shoulders and take one on the chin.