OKay at the risk of sounding like a conservative idiot I will say that abortion is wrong no matter what. That child did no choose to be born so why punish it for somebody elses mistake, crime, irresponsibility, and stupidity. With so many people unable to have children, you have a way to get out of being responsible for that child and it means that the child can live. I am sure all that are alive agree it is much better than not being alive. Remember that you are here because somebody decided that your life was worth not aborting. I think we may have to define alive. Remember that a fetus has a heart beat after 18 Days. Does that mke it alive. I think so. Consider that most people are pregnant for more than 18 days before they realize they are pregnant.
"Two men: one thinks he can. One thinks he cannot. They are Both Right."
Last edited by florida0214; 04-27-2006 at 01:26 PM..