Originally Posted by Charlatan
Heck, you could get a long stick and knock over her wheelchair... it would have probably been safer.
Again...hindsight...20/20...armchair quaterbacking. Let's look at it this way. How would that have looked splashed all over the newspapers? "Police knock over little old lady in a wheelchair". I can just hear the outcry. "But why, why, oh why couldn't they just have tasered her, instead of brutally knocking her over in her wheel chair? Bullies!"
Trust me...there is no way to win these things. No...way.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
Shooting an old person with a Taser is just not the smartest thing to do.
Old person?!? She was 56. That's (*counts fingers*) 13 years away for me! How insensitive of you. You'll be hearing from the AARP. You just mark my words.