Originally Posted by politicophile
The only think I dislike about tasers is the spelling: TAZOR is much more threatening.
Wasn't he an American Gladiator?
Originally Posted by samcol
I love the logic there. She MIGHT hurt herself so lets go ahead and hurt her to prevent that and subsequently kill her in the process. I still stand by the notion that this was excessive force and uncalled for.
Sounds pretty solid to me. Seems to me most police forces (military...whatever...) respond to the expectation of violence rather than the actual violent act itself.
They certainly could've let her work it out of her system and locked her in a room, but what if crazy-knife lady opened a vein or started poking holes in herself? What then? How well would that have played out? I imagine then we'd all be wondering why they didn't just taser her in the first place.
I don't care that they zapped her. As long as they exhausted all available options and weighed the consequences before they tagged crazy-knife lady, which from my armchair, it seems like they did. I mean, how desperate do you have to be to think that tasering a geriatric in a wheelchair is a good solution to your problem?