Originally Posted by highthief
Newborn infants don't display a lot of "characteristics of personhood" either, yet most people wouldn't kill them them casually in the modern western world. However, in other parts of the world and in the west not so long ago, infanticide is/was as accepted as abortion is today, when you inconveniently had a female child or twins.
When it's in the body, the only way to get rid of it is by taking it out, which kills it. When it's already out of the body, you have much easier ways of removing it. I'll be pro-choice until someone comes up with a fetus teleportation system.
Not that long ago, people (in the church, in the scientific community) claimed blacks were subhuman, were not persons, etc.
I hoped that I wouldn't need to go into racial personhood if I mentioned gendered personhood. please substitute the word "non-whites" for women in the second paragraph of my last post. Non-whites, disabled people, and women display characteristics of personhood.
Not than long ago, people (in the church, in the scientific community) claimed that the use of contraceptives was murder. *sings Monty Python's Every Sperm is Sacred*