Originally Posted by Topper
Are there laws/rules? Where are they posted? I just looked over washington state's drivers handbook and it says nothing about how to drive in a parking lot. I have always thought parking lots were kind of grey areas, as they have no posted speed limits, no enforcement of traffic flow, etc. Seems like you will only run into trouble if you actually hit something.
The standard speed limit in
any surface parking area (not a parking structure) is 10mph. There's really nothing in the Washington driver's handbook covering that? If not...there should. I'm sure it was in the Pennsylvania manual, back in the 70's. Maybe they're trying to go off of "common knowledge", but judging from some of these posts...maybe not so much.
Also...the car in the thoroughfare has the right of way...period. Ex-cop talking here. It doesn't matter how many tanks are blocking your view, you are still responsible for insuring that the way is clear before backing/pulling into the traffic ways. No excuses...it is your responsibility...period. If I only had a dollar for every fender bender that I had to respond to, because a driver thought that he/she had the right of way because "traffic
always stops to let me out".

Well...yeah...usually because the other driver
wants the space that you're in.
99.999% of
all parking lot accidents are caused by a lack of either common sense...or common courtesy. Nothing more difficult than that.