A few years ago, I was going through what's commonly called a 'midlife crisis'. During that time, I acquired a 'mentor' who helped me with my developing digital art skills(actually, he DID develop them-I didn't know squat, being an oldtime sketcher, etc), helping me with learning about myself in general in the process. He was quite harsh at times, I thought. I rarely got praise, maybe a 'good, now do this' and would get pushed further along.
When I got whiny about things, I didn't get a 'there, there, now'-I got a 'well, what are you going to DO about it?'
I know it wasn't harshness. It was reality, it was being made to understand that we are responsible for the choices we make. It wasn't that I didn't know that, I didn't understand it fully, even though I had been raising my own kids just that way. Knowing life is unfair and that we alone make our consequences, is not quite the same as understanding it. Once it was clear I understood, he was no longer a mentor, he was a friend.
Just by the responses here, you could almost guess correctly the ages of the posters. The older they are, the more they understand what the list is saying. The younger they are, the more they think it's mean or won't apply to them so much. Interesting....
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.