I think the difference between a diary and an internet forum is that one is always publicly available. I know what you mean by the similiarities though
To be honest, I would be ashamed if someone read ALL my posts here. I hadn't figured out who I was a few years back when I signed up here, and a lot of my thoughts and opinions were pretty ignorant and out there. Hopefully if someone read through everything they would be able to see how i've changed and grown.
I'm not a person to dig up information on someone behind their back. If I want to know something, i'll just come right up and ask them and they can tell me if it's none of my business or not. I wouldn't read a diary. I might search someone on the internet, out of idle curiosity, but it hasn't happened yet.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim