I have 2 chase cards. I will never use either of these cards again.
1 had a 3000 limit on it, with 13% interest, another was 4500 with 10%. About 2 or 3 months after i transferred balances to the 4500 card, I got a letter in the mail stating that they were moving my interest rate on both cards to 29%. There was no additional information on how their decision was based.
So, I called them up and they told me that they pulled my credit and I "fell out of the range" that i was in when I got the cards.
When I got my first chase card, my credit score was around 600. When I got the second one, it was around 660. It was over 700 when they decided this... I called that night and paid off those 2 cards and told them I'd never do business with them again over this.