Originally Posted by roachboy
i do nto accept your analogy of abortion and infanticide.
there is no argument that you could make that would persuade me of its validity.
No point in going there, then. Thanks for saving me time.
further, i think that even if one were to accept your positoni, it still would not follow that the existing law needs to be changed on accont of it. i do not think that fact that the procedure of abortion is safe and legal reduces the complexity of making the decision of whether or not to have one. the antichoice crowd in general assumes that the legality of the procedure obviates all ethical problems that individuals may wrestle with over the question of whether the procedure is something that they want to avail themselves of. i think that assumption absurd.
We've been through this before. I think the assumption is absurd as well. But
it does not follow that a complex ethical decision should have no legal consequences if it is the wrong decision.
more generally, this is, in the end, what antichoice people cannot abide--views that are not their own. and this is why they want to change existing law.
Do you think you're any different?
be happy where you are, and oppose abortion all you like. leave the rest of us to make up our own minds.
This is where the "I don't accept your premises" thing goes both way. I don't accept yours, therefore the above statement is perfectly absurd in my view.
Even if you don't accept my premises, the premises still exist in the great debate. That's why your 'simple' argument settles nothing.