thanks for the kind words, all.
He's probably the nicest person I know. He's a very friendly, sensitive, gentel person. And its easy for people to take advantage of him. I'm pretty sure he was intoxicated sunday night, and he was out by himself. I heard through the grapevine that there's a chance the "accident" was intentional, but that hasn't been verified. I know how E acts when he's drunk. He's a very friendly drunk, and if you don't know him its possible he could piss you off (If your a hot-head jerk). I can't understand someone actually purposely running him down with their car, but I can see him being drunk and overly friendly with the wrong people that want nothing to do with him (basically, trying to make friends with everyone and when someone doesn't want him around he'll get even more friendly because he thinks he made someone mad). I've seen that kind of situation escalate, where someone threatens to get physically violent, but in the past he's always had someone around that will diffuse the situation and lead him away. I think he may have pissed off the wrong asshole, and that person tried to kill him with his car when the opportunity presented itself thinking he'd get away with it, or just not thinking at all. I'm not saying thats what happened, but thats the scenerio that plays out in my head. Its also highly probable he just stepped out in traffic, but why someone would then leave the scene and "brag" about it doesn't add up. Maybe he wasn't bragging and was telling someone out of fear, but then evading police and not fessing up if it was truely an accident doesn't really add up either.
He's been told before that orlando isn't like tallahassee and you just cant throw caution to the wind and put your safety into the hands of strangers (which is what you do when you go out by yourself and get wasted).
the main reason I think this, aside from my knowledge of E, is that there was a person bragging about hitting someone with their car over a cell-phone just a few blocks away just after the accident. The conversation was overheard by a neighbor who called 911 and reported it hearing the commotion down the street and hearing the cell phone conversation. I don't think the police see it as an accident since the traffic homicide unit is investigating, but then that could just be SOP for this type of incident.
I also heard that they caught this person, but that could just be one of those telephone game problems, since they "have a suspect" and a few word of mouths later that gets changed to "got the suspect." I haven't found any news updates since monday morning, so I'm not sure. I'm going to check Orange County's booking log to see if anyone was booked tuesday for anything possibly related. No one was monday.
None of our friends are allowed to see him in the hospital yet, except one, and we're getting updates on his condition through him. Basically he's getting better, I expect him to be upgraded from critical condition today. But I don't have many details other than what I've posted. I'll see him saturday, if they're allowing non-family visitors.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser