Video editing question
This is kind of hard to explain, but here goes.
I'd like to know how it would be possible to take a video clip, any format really (avi, mpeg, whatever) and isolate a certain small area of it, and turn that area into a clip of its own.
Since i'm not sure if I am making that very clear, picture this, for an example's sake. Let's say there is a video clip of a man sitting at a desk, facing the camera, and he's talking. Let's presume the clip is at 640x480 resolution, or something. Now, if I wanted to make an avatar sized video clip (like 100x100 or something) of nothing but the guy's head as he talks, how would I do this? How can I isolate that specific area from the center of the clip and turn that area, with all the frames running but everything else excluded, into a separate clip?
I know this is doable, but I've never known how. I'd like to know. Please help me out.
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