Originally Posted by fredweena
TopHat, I hadn't checked this out before but now I'm laughing so hard that I'm sorry I hadn't dropped in earlier. Honestly, I like most of your earlier labels better (except for the Sam Jackson, which killed me). They were less overwhelmed with text and things, and quite simple but playful. I frequently pick beers to try based solely on label and name, just to expand my horizons and have found multiple that I would never have tried just based on the description. I've always wanted to come across the Two-Headed Turtle Stout... the mascot of the Order of Procrastinators (or some such similarly named fictitional organization). Nice, slow pour that's worth waiting for and takes time to enjoy.
Cool! Thanks much.
I see what you mean. The labels are starting to get cluttered. I need to try to keep that in mind. Maybe save the wit for the neck label.
Now, Will and I brew an excellent doppelbock, along the lines of Salvator, that we talked about for 4 or 5 years before we got around to brewing it. Since Doppelbocks traditionally end in "-ator", that became Procrastinator, with part of the batch split out and repitched with different yeast and named Prevaricator. (And let's keep the politics out of it. It was going to be Clinton, but by the time we got around to brewing it there was a different president.)
I'm thinking that idea of the two-headed turtle in a pushmi-pullyew sort of mode would be an excellent label theme for Procrastinator 2 (with the tag line , "We'll come up with a more original name later.")
In any case, the labels: