More from the book I am reading. I hope you don't mind.
"Cell phones may be a great convenience when they are fully charged, but they are useless if they run out of juice!
The same is true for mothers (and fathers). Our batteries get drained too. We get tired physically and emotionally from the constant effort to discipline, entertain, and care for our kids. There are days when we feel overwhelmed." "We all need a break, a respite, a safe haven in which we can reenergize from the cares of motherhood (parenthood)".
(I added the words in parentheses. I hate to see the fathers neglected.
My question from this is what do you do to recharge yourself? Do you have a safe haven?
I have started scrapbooking when I need a break, and now I have started reading again. And when no one is home, I pamper myself (and occassionally take photos). My husband and I watch movies after the kids are in bed, I like to lose myself in the movie. And, of course, I like coming to the TFP with a glass of wine. As for a safe haven, I have yet to find a place that the kids won't find me.
I do like sitting at the kitchen table, with my laptop, scrapbook materials, and watch the world go by through my sliding glass door.
When the kids really get to me, I end up sitting on the edge of my bed, crying. Then they come in and hug me and it all goes away. I really do love my children.