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Old 04-24-2006, 10:48 AM   #36 (permalink)
My last post on this thread involved <b>Robert Joseph</b>, the man responsible for the infamous "sixteen words" in Bush's January, 2003 SOTU address, ("Iraq...obtain uranium from Africa...blah...blah").

Of course, in the upside down, neocon world, Robert Joseph was promoted for helping Bush mislead America into a costly and avoidable Iraq war, and to trigger the Plame investigation, which has already led to the indictment of Cheney's COS, Scooter Libby, and now seems about to ensnare Karl Rove...

Here's a well documented background diary;
<a href="">Nukes: The Hail Mary in the Bush Team's Playbook</a>
on Robert Joseph, and here are his latest lies...designed to justify more contrived war....this time in Iran. It is "hard work" to find and groom new liars to shill for this outlaw U.S. administration's new war ambitions. It's funny and pathetic to watch as they trot out previously exposed liars...retread "con men" to pitch their unfounded, fear mongering....
Iran: Nuclear program is 'irreversible'
U.S. lawmakers say intelligence information is lacking

Sunday, April 23, 2006; Posted: 11:17 p.m. EDT (03:17 GMT)

.........Senior officials from the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council met Wednesday and failed to agree on imposing sanctions against Iran.

As part of what Burns said would be an intensified period of diplomacy on Iran, the group will meet again on May 2 in Paris.

The G-8 group of industrialized countries is also expected to focus on the Iran issue at its July summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, he said.

<b>Robert Joseph, the State Department's top arms control official, said that Iran has "both feet on the accelerator" in its nuclear development.</b>

He was referring to Ahmadinejad's claims of uranium enrichment at its Natanz facility in concentrations he said were capable of running a nuclear power plant -- a level far below that needed for a nuclear weapon..........
Rumsfeld casts doubt on estimate of Iran's nuclear progress
By Jonathan S. Landay
Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - The State Department's top arms control official charged Friday that Iran is speeding up its efforts to master the process of enriching uranium on an industrial scale and may be close to surmounting all of the technological barriers.

"We are very close to that point of no return," said Robert Joseph, the undersecretary of state for arms control and international security. ......

.......... <b>Joseph's comments coincided with the Pentagon's release of an interview transcript in which Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said that he has no confidence in the current U.S. intelligence estimate</b> that Iran is at least five years away from having a nuclear weapon.

<b>The remarks by Rumsfeld and Joseph underscored concerns</b> within the top ranks of the Bush administration that Iran is overcoming the most complex technological hurdles to enrichment faster than anticipated, bringing the nation closer to producing weapons. .........

......... Some U.S. officials and independent experts question last week's Iranian claim and believe that Iran is still years away from building a nuclear warhead.

"We believe that it is still a number of years off before they are likely to have enough fissile material to assemble into or to put into a nuclear weapon, perhaps into the next decade," Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte said Thursday during a speech in Washington. .......
Does anyone believe that Robert Joseph is a "truth teller"? This is a "groundhog day", "Op", just like the one "served up", three yearsx ago to discredit intelligence estimates that turned out to be accurate, concerning Iraqi WMD.

<b>Are we going to let cheerleader Robert Joseph, lead us into another unnecessary war?</b> What does Robert Joseph's job promotion and his return to the pre-Iran war, propaganda "limelight", after his key role in guiding Bush to utter the "sixteen words", which misled the American people, and falsely bolstered justification for attacking Iraq....say about the folks who promoted him, and allow him to speak for this administration, now?

Last edited by host; 04-24-2006 at 11:31 AM..
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