Could I report for jury duty. I would like to think I could listen to all the evidence and not hold any pre-concieved notions. I also think there can be a motion to hold the trial in a different county if there is some sort of evidence or belief that an unbiased jury could not be found in the preciding county. I know what the defense it doing but I also think they are pretty sure they have a good shot at any trial.. if it even gets that far. I just wonder why nothing has come out of the DA's office. I really am believing it's because they don't have much else. I mean, the girl misidentified the 3rd person. She was shown a group photo of the lacrosse team (and not anyone else) and she made the identifications from that. The case can be thrown out by that fact alone.
As far as the pics go, I think most of them are camera phone pictures. I can't even set the clock on my phone. It's all done through the network. If I fly out west, the time changes for me. :shrug:
I understand what you are trying to say in that we shouldn't make assumptions and just wait for all the evidence to come out. I've also said that perhaps I've made hasty assumptions. I do this with alot of cases though, when I do I usually look at them from a legal standpoint, not a "I believe he's guilty because he looks like he would do it" or other silly ideas.