Originally Posted by D
pedophilia[/url] is not illegal but having sex with children is.
You are correct, according to your source... however it does state that it is a "sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object."
Originally Posted by D
These are images concocted out of nothing but one's own imagination and, obviously, involved absoluetly no children, or anyone for that matter.
Are "highly stylized" and/or "anime" words that PROVE that no one was used as a model for this stuff? IMO, there was a source
somewhere, at sometime as a "mind model."
Originally Posted by D
US government[/url] really do want to make pedophilia, as I've described it, illegal, which I truely find frightening and offensive.
Why is this frightening and offensive? The laws are on the books in an attempt to protect the children from what you acknowledge is a perversion.
That being said, do I agree that this judge overreacted? Quite probably, although I don't know what the pictures looked like. I am appalled when a convicted child molester - one who I assume you are holding up as a true criminal - is given probation or a light sentence when an actual child is abused.
He has a right to think what he wants... once the thinking becomes action, however, the government has the right to decide if he's acting within the boundaries of what it deems to be acceptable.
This man still has the option of appealing the conviction, which I am sure he will do. If the conviction is as ludicrous as it appears on the surface, he may yet be released - hopefully with a little more knowledge.
If that happens, maybe he should sign up with the TFP... we have restrictions against showing anyone under the age of 18 in any forum... that way he's sure to stay out of trouble.