10 Years ago, I was a devout Catholic, I was in middle school and getting my ass kicked repeatedly, I couldn't understand why anyone would want to own a gun, I still though I was invincible and the world revolved around me, and my biggest problem was doing 5-paragraph essays for the teacher who didn't like me and doing them well so I could get into high-level classes in high school.
5 years ago, I was a high-school Junior who didn't know where his life was going, was socially inept, was a nerd who hung out with nerd friends, was obsessed with conspiracy theories that would have been turned down by X-Files writers for being too implausible, and was a self-proclaimed communist, and had few things to worry about other than writing papers for school so I could get into a good university.
Now, I'm a college student who doesn't recognize the two people previously described, is a year and a few weeks from graduating with a BA and BS from a good university, and still has a faint hope that he can change the world. I've become the gun owner that the 10-years-ago me failed to understand, the Godless heathen that he prayed for, and am still bitter about the revelation that I am not invincible and the world does not revolve around me. I am the sociable person that the 5-years-ago me failed to be, am proud of my inner nerd and have friends who are proud of theirs, I laugh at 99% of the conspiracy theories that I believed in and encourage serious consideration of the rest, I jokingly call my liberal friends communists when they disagree with me (I would probably have a bunch of conservative friends who laughed at me in debates if such people existed in college,) and now split my worrying time between financial issues and writing papers for school so I can get a decent job.
5 Years from now, I see personal life, my world view, and my belief system will most likely be refined, concrete versions of what they are now, I'll have a decent career, and I'll be close to financial independence. Otherwise, I'll be spending some nights with friends, and some alone drinking beer and goofing off on the Internet.
I have two visions of myself 10 years from now,
1: I see myself doing exactly the same things I see myself doing in five years, in a nicer car, on a bigger computer screen, and a more impressive house, and maybe having settled down with someone.
2: I see myself running around like I own the place in a vast, post-apocalyptic wasteland, not unlike that portrayed in Mad Max, until I'm killed by a rival gang.