10 years ago I was 18 and was just finishing my first (and last) year of college. I found out that my parents were splitting up and I was devastated. I had just started dating my hubby, hung out with a close group of friends until all hours of the night, had a dead end job that I loved, and was in general satisfied with my life, other than my parents.
5 years ago, hubby was in the Marine Corps, and I was about to get pregnant (in May). I loved living in NC and had a lot of friends. I wanted to go back to school, but there was no nearby university, so I just figured I'd go back when we moved back to Utah. I had no intentions of having kids, so I didn't figure this would be a problem.
5 years from now I hope to have my associates degree...it'll take me longer than the normal 2 years because of work, my son, and life in general, but it'll happen. I hope to have been accepted into the physical therapy program at the University of Utah and have started school there. Hubby and I will be living in our first house, and perhaps will be thinking of renting it out and buying a second, better house. I will have a job that I feel pride in and enjoy.
10 years from now, I will be finished with college, have a good job, and have enough money to endulge in my and hubby's favorite pastime...traveling. We will probably still be living in Utah, but contemplating a move after son graduates from high school. We'll have a house with a spare room that I will convert to a mini aviary. Most of all, I just hope I'm happy in 10 years.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"
Formerly Medusa