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Old 04-22-2006, 12:47 AM   #20 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Originally Posted by raeanna74
I understood that the female is to obey God first and then her husband or father. If her husband or were to be asking them to disobey a law that God has laid then it would be sin for her to obey her husband/father. I believe that incest in the normal muslim groups is considered a sin.

Anyone who knows otherwise, please correct me.

as a muslim myself, i can say that your are correct.

regardless which sect or school of thought you follow, incest is absolutely forbidden in islam. i'm not sure what is meant by 'normal muslim groups' but i know of no muslim group, mainstream or fringe group that endorses rape or incest. he is just one sick individual who happens to profess a certain faith.

this sort of thing happens in all faiths and cultures, ranging from priests in catholicism to the fringe 'david koresh's to mormons to sicko psychopaths... then again anyone who commits such henious acts is a sicko psychopath.
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