Sure, tree trimming is where it starts... Watch out. My in-laws recently had to take out their above-ground pool because that sort of pool became outlawed by the neighborhood association. It was an expensive job to get done because not only did they have to remove the pool but they spent time fighting the rest of the neighborhood about it too. Dad-in-law had to remove his carpentry shop out back because it was ruled that small metal buildings fall under the clause about no mobile homes. I'd like to think that most neighborhoods aren't like that, but it certainly didn't _start_ that way seven years ago when they bought the house. Sometimes it's just common sense and common curtesy - we just had two large trees removed because one was encroaching on our foundation and the other's roots were doing the same to the neighbor's retaining wall. But no one made us sign a letter saying that we _had_ to do so...
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
--Douglas Adams