Originally Posted by blahblah454
I don't know if this counts but I got jumped and called a faggot because I have long hair. I was in a seriously bad mood that night as my then girlfriend just cheated on me and I was in no mood to be treated in such a way. I ended up smashing the guy who jumped me in the kidneys about 30 times and made him spit up blood and I ripped his shirt off his back. I ended up with a bruised head (he was punching me in the top of the head for some reason) and he tore up my arm and ripped out some chunks of hair. All in all I think I got the upper hand and him and his friends picked the wrong person to have some fun with.
When I was young, I was told I "looked gay." Gay enough for angry young men to scream gender insults at me from passing cars and, once, in my face.
That latter incident didn't go anywhere, I think, because when they got close enough they realized I was a lot bigger than they were. And I stood my ground.