Originally Posted by fresnelly
I'd rather they didn't try to mine the past anymore. Spock and Kirk are just too iconic to recreate successfully. I'd rather they move forward in time, broaden the Trek universe, and create original stories and characters. Bring on the Enterprise-F and let's boldly go where no one has gone before.
I agree a major part of Trek's greatness was the creativity in the races and planets that they came across. Berman and company got very far away from that.
Mining the past and trying to show what Kirk and Spock did before would be a horrid happening.
Besides anyone who truly knows their Trek knows Spock and Kirk did not know each other UNTIL the Enterprise. The only person Kirk knew when he took command was "Bones" McCoy.
Plus to make Spock the same age as Kirk in this would be to thumb their nose and ignore the fact that Vulcans live much longer lives and Spock I believe was older than Jim already. Spock was very close to Cmdr. Pike as we see in "The Menagerie (or the pilot)". So how exactly would they make Kirk and Spock fellow cadets at SA and ignore the future events we already know?