Wow, I guess I missed this thread the first time around; I just found it by following a link from a new thread on same topic.
I'm completely in shock over how many guys fake orgasms. I thought it was bad when women faked it... I had no idea that guys did it, too. And so MANY, right here on TFP.
I'm a woman, I have never faked an orgasm, and I highly doubt that my bf ever has. It would be extremely difficult for him to fake all of his bodily contractions and expressions when he cums... and with a condom on, I definitely still feel his cock pulsing out cum. There is just no way to fake that sensation! Plus, he's just plain honest with me. We communicate, and all that jazz. What's the point of lying about stuff like this? If someone's tired or sore, they're tired or sore... it has no reflection on the other person's hotness or sexual ability.
I mean, yeah, if someone can't get off for a several sessions over a series of days, I would start to worry about other issues, but even that kind of discussion is healthier than lying about it. This is just wild news to me, seriously.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran