Brainslayer has once again gone and done the unthinkable. Apparently he’s found some time away from the Fon project to continue forging ahead on getting DD-WRT into the WRT54Gv5.
From “Subject: and last but not least… …i added now a 1,7 mb micro build to the dd-wrt series and yes it runs on the WRT54Gv5 too if you know how to flash it. so please keep the donations running to support my work in future too.”
Now based on VxWorks, the WRT54GSv5 and WRT54Gv5 come with a significantly reduced memory architecture and a different firmare setup that many assumed would be impossible to replace with a 3rd party linux solution.
Early reports here and here, indicate that the flashing process is a bit more involved and will require JTAG and tft to place the firmware image. But also of interest, this micro build will also work on the WAP54Gv3. Good work Brainslayer!
more complicated, but if u do flash it.. you could up the transmit power