Linda, grease requires a solvent for removal. Do NOT scrub or use dish soap ever on a carpet.
You can remove the grease by using a product with xylene in it, such as "Goof Off", usually found in hardware stores. Apply the GO to a cleaning cloth rather than to the carpet directly. Blot the grease with the cloth using gentle pressure; do not use a scrubbing motion. As the GO begins lifting the grease into the cloth, turn to a clean area and continue blotting on the GO until the stain is removed.
IMPORTANT SECOND PART: You now need to remove the xylene from your carpet or it may delaminate the carpet backing. You can rinse it out with a quart of HOT water and a dab of hair shampoo (never use dish soap or other high alkaline products). Pour your solution on the affected area and blot out the water with a towel with firm pressure (stand on it) until you are no longer absorbing water. Continue if you see any GO residue remaining.
If this is clear is mud, pm me.