Oh boy.
10 years ago, I graduated from high school. I was convinced that I was going to be a famous actress and I was on my way to college to study Theater (and Spanish) in Buffalo. I was SO excited. Buffalo was a big city compared to the place I grew up. I had never fit in, and I was thrilled to leave that small town behind. Oh, yeah, I was dating someone from home too. (Not that that lasted or anything.)
5 years ago, I was a year out of college. I still thought I wanted to be an actress, but I was having a hard time actually doing anything about it. I was with Quadro, and we had been going through some emotional times, but had just moved in together. I was thrilled.
5 years from now, I will be 32. I will have recently finished getting my Master's degree as a Physician's Assistant, and will hopefully be working at a premier level one trauma center somewhere (I don't care where.) I will be $100K in debt, but with so much more earning potential. I will still be married, and I'll be pretty interested in getting pregnant.
10 years from now, I will be 37. I will have had any kids I'm going to have, and I will be in charge of the Physician's Assistant department in a premier hospital. I will still be happily married, and other than that? Who knows! I hope to have a house by then...
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.