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Old 04-20-2006, 12:56 PM   #87 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Ok so those who advocate ILLEGALS, do you also advocate their being shipped across the country in semi-trailers with very little ventilation or cooling/heating, for days on end shoved in like cattle with no food or water?

This is what you are advocating.

Smuggling charges filed after 18 human cargo die

HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) --A federal prosecutor filed smuggling charges Thursday against the owner and driver of a truck allegedly used to bring suspected illegal immigrants from Mexico in a trip that left 18 people dead.

The victims, ranging from a 7-year-old boy to a 91-year-old man, suffocated Wednesday after riding in the back of the semitrailer with dozens of others from Mexico to south Texas, said U.S. Attorney Michael Shelby.

Tyrone Williams of Schenectady, New York, has been charged with smuggling aliens and conspiracy, Shelby said, adding that more indictments will be handed up that could result in additional charges.

Williams -- a legal permanent U.S. resident from Jamaica and the truck's registered owner -- was arrested Wednesday in Bel Air, Texas, Shelby said. He is currently being held without bond.

Williams made an initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Houston Thursday. However, since he had no attorney with him, he was ordered back to court Friday. That hearing is scheduled for 2 p.m. (3 p.m. EDT).

In an affidavit filed Thursday, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent Steven E. Greenwell said Williams told officers that two men paid him $5,000 to bring what he thought was a group of 16 people to Houston.

According to the criminal complaint, Williams saw an object dangling from the trailer so he stopped at a Victoria, Texas, gas station.

When approaching the back of the trailer, Williams heard banging and screaming. He opened the trailer door and panicked when he saw that something "appeared to be wrong" with the passengers jammed into the sweltering trailer, according to the complaint.

One woman reportedly screamed, "El niño! El niño!" which is Spanish for "the boy," an apparent reference to a 7-year-old boy who died.

Williams said he ran into the gas station and bought 20 bottles of water for the migrants. He then unhitched the trailer and drove 120 miles to Houston where he went into a hospital.

Nurses there said that Williams appeared agitated and nervous. They also said he had a woman passenger in the cab, according to the complaint.

The criminal complaint against Williams also names Joe, Abel, and the female passenger Fatima -- all with last names unknown. Authorities say the woman is Hispanic with a dark complexion and one of the men is white "who perhaps speaks Spanish," Shelby did not detail what their involvement may be.

Officials believe anywhere from 107 to 137 passengers from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador were packed in the truck. One of them, Oscar Estrada, said he was to pay $1,000 for his transport.

Some 20 to 50 people fled from the back of the truck as deputies tried to administer first aid to the 62 left behind, Victoria County Sheriff Mike Ratcliff said.

Of the 18 people who died, 13 were found inside the truck, and four were found on the ground outside, Ratcliff said. One person died at a hospital.

Seven of the survivors were in hospitals, and two of them were in critical condition, the sheriff said. At the moment, the rest are staying at a community shelter with food and services provided by the Red Cross, he said.

Three of the people who fled were found Thursday by authorities in the general area of the "crime scene," assistant U.S. attorney Daniel Rodriguez said.

Federal authorities leading the investigation said they believe the suspected illegal immigrants were locked inside the truck. All the deaths were due to asphyxiation, dehydration or heat-related conditions, officials said.

Investigators said the temperature in the truck was hotter than 100 degrees. They said the truck was equipped with a functioning refrigeration system, but it was not turned on.

The scope of the case became clear after officers from the Victoria County Sheriff's Office responded to a 911 call. Authorities told CNN they were alerted to the truck when one of those packed inside used a cell phone to call 911 and pleaded for help.

"When the deputies opened the door, they didn't expect that there was going to be people inside," Shelby said, "and when they opened this door, they were flooded by human beings that were pouring out of there."

Investigators said they believe that the trailer had been parked at the convenience store on U.S. 77 for less than a day and that people had not been inside it for much longer.

But Victoria County District Attorney Dexter Eaves said, "In my opinion, they were in there a real long time."

Asa Hutchinson, undersecretary for border and transportation security, called the situation "the greatest loss of life in recent history in what appears to be an alien smuggling case" and said he has given the investigation "the highest priority."

"This grim discovery is a horrific reminder of the callous disregard smugglers have for their human cargo," Hutchinson said in Washington.

Bob Wallis, regional director for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, called it a "heinous, heinous crime."

Penalties for immigrant smuggling resulting in death range from life in prison to no jail time at all, Shelby said. However, if the death is found to be intentional, a defendant could be subject to the death penalty, he said.

Authorities said Williams has a business transporting milk from New York to Texas and transporting watermelons back to New York.

Don't like the laws, CHANGE them. But somehow I don't think the majority of Americans are going to agree with you.

A poll that show the VAST majority feel we need to limit immigration and ILLEGAL immigration is out of control. (Poll not placed here for spacial reasons)


Here's a poll that says: "Americans agree (85%) that illegal immigration is a “serious” problem, and over half (55%) say it is “very serious.”


Yet the Dems are trying to ease laws and the BUSHIES refuse to do anything...... why? Because as someone opposite this issue stated earlier (paraphrased) basically it is about cheap labor, jobs no one else wants, more money in the CEO's pockets and cheap prices.

But neither side cares about the loss of lives to the ILLEGALS, as I pointed out above.

Or the loss of lives the ILLEGALS have taken, as I have previously posted and this site shows:

Here's just a couple of the stories:

In a particularly tragic example of government inattention to illegal aliens who have run amock, one of the snipers who terrorized the Washington DC area for three weeks in October 2002 was a foreign national who had been apprehended the previous year. As a stowaway, he was required by law to be immediately deported back to his home country. Instead, the INS overroad the Border Patrol's designation and released John Lee Malvo upon the unsuspecting American public. Had immigration law been followed by the INS, there would have been no two-man hit team and it is likely that there would have been no devastating series of murders. As columnist Michelle Malkin has observed, the INS releases dangerous alien criminals all the time.
David Nadel was a familiar community activist in Berkeley, California, and owned the popular Ashkenaz dance club that featured eclectic music, such as zydeco, cajun, klezmer and the blues. In 1996, he was murdered in the club by an apparent Mexican illegal alien, Juan Rivera Perez, whom Nadel had earlier ejected for harassing other patrons. Perez was in Ashkenaz as part of an English as a Second Language program graduation party. Police believe Perez escaped to Mexico, which is famously unhelpful in extraditing violent criminals. Despite the outcry from law enforcement, victims and the press, our government does not insist on normal compliance in law enforcement from Mexican authorities.

In another case of justice denied, the murderer of Phoenix high school student Tanee Natividad merely crossed the border into Mexico to escape law enforcement. A local television station was able to track down the murderer in a bar just a few miles across the border without much effort. Max LaMadrid has no reason to hide because the Mexican government actually helps violent criminals escape American justice. According to Arizona Attorney General Janet Napolitano, action by the Mexican supreme court making it more difficult to extradite criminals has "created an incentive for people to flee into Mexico as a safe harbor." At one time, Mexico would not extradite criminals who might be subject to the death penalty; the Mexican court recently extended this "protection" to any Mexican who might receive a life sentence, thereby giving a free pass to rapists, kidnappers and child molesters. In fact, the investigating reporter found 100 cases of violent criminals from the Phoenix area escaping into Mexico in just the last few years. Meanwhile, the grieving family of 16-year-old Tanee gets no justice — like thousands of others in the southwest.
Shall I continue????????

Get the point?

How can you support this? How can you say you are the party that is for human rights yet be so fucking hypocritical?

"we have to open our borders and love these people, who cares if they come over and kill, rape, take BILLIONS of our tax dollars, recieve free medical on our tax dollar,don't pay the taxes we do, sue the government and companies for more of ouir tax dollars and the increase in costs incurred by those companies sued because they demand we become bi-lingual and they REFUSE to learn English and try to assimilate into OUR culture. We shouldn't expect them to want to learn our culture, to become US citizens legally...... NOOOOOOO we need to kiss ass and wipe it while they shit on us."


"Because the US is so mean to Mexico and we have soooooo much and Mexico doesn't have anything and we are just being racist, bullying, class warfared ignorant people."

Meanwhile the employers hiring these people are laughing at you as they cash their big bonus checks and increase their pay while the average US LEGAL citizen is mired in taxes, low wages, their jobs being shipped away, plants closing and so on.

All the while the vast majority of America is scratching their heads asking WTF.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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