Originally Posted by abaya
Hey, I love South Park too (even though I don't have a TV ![LOL](/tfp/images/smilies/lol.gif) gotta watch it at my bf's house)... but I gotta say, 10 and 11 year old boys watching SP as a bedtime story?? Whoa. Is this a common thing for anyone else's family? I remember falling asleep at 10 years old after reading mystery books under the cover with a flashlight... times have changed, I guess.
/feels old and grumpy.
We read books too, but sometimes that's not as "educational" as SP
Whether it's after SP or just bedtime, we also have other relaxing, unwind type "rituals" like I sing a couple of songs to them, or read ...last night we all looked at one of those "find the picture of ... in the picture" kinda books and I told them a couple jokes, they can actually repeat these in school, that made them roll off the bed laughing. "Bedtime rituals" actually sounds like a plausible theme for another good SP episode.