Originally Posted by krwlz
Congrats on not getting nailed by a snake... I dont know what I would have done in that situation. While not necesarily scared, I DO hate snakes. That thing probably would have been missing a head had I seen it... Due to the .22 shell that passed through where its head used to be.
What, you take live ammo on the paintball field?
The guy in charge had mentioned that if we did come across a rattler, the paintball gun *would* kill it, if we felt threatened and couldn't get away. However, A) I could get away and didn't feel particularly threatened once the situation was under control, and B) I still couldn't hit anything with the paintball gun to literally save my life. The bus I was shooting at, there is a pretty thick coat of lime green paint evenly distributed *around* all the windows.

Yeah, I was playing sniper.