Originally Posted by JStrider
I've run into rattle snakes, and a few other snakes in my camping and outdoor adventuring... never had one strike at me.
as for the bruises... wear thicker clothes... i know itmight be warm outside and make you all sweaty and uncomfortable but 2 layers of sweats will make a huge difference in the bruising... and will sometimes allow the balls to bounce off without popping
I can understand not wanting bruises in her case (then again who really wants bruises) But I play in a T-shirt and camo-pants... Long sleeves at best.
Congrats on not getting nailed by a snake... I dont know what I would have done in that situation. While not necesarily scared, I DO hate snakes. That thing probably would have been missing a head had I seen it... Due to the .22 shell that passed through where its head used to be.