Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
But until these people pose an actual danger, what you're talking about is commiting them because... you don't like them. Really, insanity is like pedaphilia in that neither of them is illegal. There are plenty of insane people out there who have hurt no one. Should we lock you up before you hurt someone? I assume you haven't hurt anyone, yet...
I'm not saying lock them up in jail or anything like that. I'm saying to make sure these people face their inner demons. Some people who are truely insane are not going to cooperate with therapy but they need it all the more because they won't go to a counselor. They need to be forced to face reality before they become a real danger. IF you commit them then you give the Dr's to really analyse if they are a true threat or just a little harmlessly loony.
As for death being a penalty. I don't see it as a way of correction. That's different. I see this as a deterrant. If a person knows that killing another person will result in their own death as a penalty then the likelyhood that they will go through with murder might be lower. The fact that you are eliminating a threat to society is a side benefit. Prison is not near enough deterrant for some people.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.