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Old 04-19-2006, 08:47 PM   #1500 (permalink)
Location: Louisiana
I went on a bit of a bender:
The Passion of the Christ, without subtitles, thus, I have no impression of what was being said. I only understood the counting in Latin and Christ's comment on the cross (in Aramaic) asking why G-d had abandoned him. I kind of guessed at the part he says, 'forgive them they know not what they do'. Either way, from a purely visual standpoint, the acting and scenes are powerful. I would recommend it for the sake of being a good movie.

Nightwatch, I had subtitles for this Russian film. It was convoluted in the beginning but, it picked up enough pace and enough of my interest I have the book on pre-order for when it is published in English. I would call it a mix between Underworld (with its vampires) and Matrix (a world within a world) concept. I confess those aren't the best analogies. Just see it

Lastly, A Distant Sound of Thunder, an adaptation from the Bradbury short story. It really isn't that bad. Yes, the budget was cut and some of the effects are amateurish, however, the main creature is spectacular, the acting strong and the plot feasible.

None of the movies changed my life, each passed the time well, I give them all a 7/10. I'm a rough critic. If it is 10/10 for me, it's the best freakin' movie ever made.
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