Originally Posted by dksuddeth
They will treat this guy just like they did jeffrey dahmer, and they should. put him behind bars. He won't last out the year.
I can't really disagree in this particular case. This guy planned the whole thing, knew it was wrong and did it anyway. However, Dahmer was sentenced to a psychiatric facility with treatment, not to prison. Granted, he was in with other mentally ill criminals, but the point was that he was not in prison. Did you realize that when you posted?
Just to clarify my position (and because I don't want to have to look at any more grocery store claims about old ladies slipping on grapes and getting $100,000 for it), people that are clearly NOT in touch with reality when they commit a crime (hearing voices, think they're being persecuted by strangers, think someone's the anti-christ, afraid that people are going to take their guns - just kidding about that one dksuddeth

) should be treated differently than common criminals.