Be gone from you,
Spite and fury,
Evil temptress,
I will have not shame upon my house,
Barons and anger,
Stare for all not true,
Horns of old sound,
Charge the cavalry,
Fire the cannon,
Raise the standard,
Cry the tempests.
Fleets and banners fly true upon the raven breeze,
Eagles upon nigh spread wings through clouds,
Enemies felled tremble,
Truth spoken beyond the grave,
Might and final battle,
Shall never the great crest slip below the scarlet waves,
Such as my sword cry to my heart,
Bring me my horse,
Ride on to victory,
Death awaits us through the valley,
Ride on to war.
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Last edited by stevie667; 04-19-2006 at 12:53 PM..
Reason: More fraking spelling mistakes