Originally Posted by guccilvr
ok ok.. you got me.
I've just always failed to see how a word is different than another. I mean really.. who decided certain words were worse than others??
Language is a wonderful and perplexing tool. The individual words we use carry meanings. We give them meaning so that we can be understood. We have curse words that carry a specific meaning. Using words out of context can be confusing. Resulting in your message not being understood.
For example, if I want a drink and approach someone and say, "Can I have a chair please?" You are going to go thirsty.
Furthermore, if I want a drink and approach someone and say, "Hey fuckface, get me something to drink!" I will likely offend the person being addressed. Why? Because we have agreed that the meaning of "fuckface" is an offensive insult.
Wait! There is more. Assuming the person being addressed does not know you, they *will* judge you based on the language you choose to use and the manner in which you use it. Calling someone fuckface is not going to engender positive responses.
Ultimately, the reason some words are "worse" than other is because of usage. We agree that they are offensive words (just as we agree that a chair is not a glass of water). You, as the user of the words, do not have a choice in how your words will be interpreted.
If you decide that "fuck" is no longer going to be an offensive word, while the rest of the population continues to see it as such... be prepared to be misunderstood.