Originally Posted by rockogre
I've been bitten for my conservative views before on the tfp, and willtravel may rip me a new one and that's ok, but sometimes you just have to cull the herd. I agree that this man may be a very sick puppy, but for for those of us that live here, this is just an hour or so away from me, things that attack our children need to be put down. raeanna74 has a good point. I guess it is a punishment, but it also gets a deadly viper from out of our midst.
I do understand where everyone is coming from. Yes, I'd probably feel safer letting my daughter walk to school someday if we put this man to death. The problem is that my feeling of comfort in thinking aobut removing this man from life isn't founded in logic, it's founded in an emotional response. I KNOW that if he were put into a secure asylum he would not pose any realistic threat to anyone. If he poses no threat, the what is the function of killing him? To punish him? As a father, all I can say on that is the reason one punishes is to teach a lesson. You can't learn a lesson if you're dead (unless you believe in reincarnation). Who knows, having this man in an asylum for the rest of his life could be slow torture.
It's easy to call this man a viper, as he did prey on a defenceless little girl in an evil way, but let's not forget that he was once a little boy. The man is still human. He is just not well.
Oh, and it's Willravel.
Originally Posted by rockogre
As we see more and more disturbed members of our society manifest this kind of disregard for life do we just continue to warehouse them? I know I'm cold but we can only live with so much of this behavior. Attack me if you please, I don't intend to respond. When I was younger I shared the liberal view. The older I get and the more I see I lean toward defending the young, helpless, and defensless.
Putting someone in an asylum isn't necessarily warehousing them. It is putting them in an environment where learned individuals can study them and attempt to treat them. Imagine a prison meets a laboratory meets a hospital.
Just fyi, I don't want to attack anyone. I'm only here to discuss.
Originally Posted by stevo
There's always an excuse. For whomever for whatever crime. So, will, where do you draw the line? When do you advocate someone take responsibility for their actions?
When they are not clearly insane, then they can take 100% responsibility for their actions. This man is clearly insane, so he cannot be heald totally responsible for his actions.
And when I deal with the death penalty, I WILL always have an excuse. Logic.
Originally Posted by stevo
If some hero vigilante would just blow this guys head off next time he makes any kind of appearance we'd save a lot of time, trouble, money, and distress of the family.
And that vigilante, being of sound mind, would be convicted of premeditated murder and probably get the death penalty.
Than's quite a solution.