I don't know if this timeline especially exonorates anyone in and of itself. There's a 20 minute gap (12:10 to 12:30) that give more than ample time for a rape to occur. There's an accomanying timeline for one of the accused that has him at a bank at 12:24 and a cabbie that picked him up roughly 5 minutes before. That gives the guy basically 10 minutes, which I suppose is also ample time, although it doesn't make sense to call a cab, wait, rape the woman, then catch the cab.
The whole thing still stinks to high heavens on both sides.
Full disclosure time - a good friend's brother and friend were murdered in Raleigh about 2 years ago. This prosecutor (actually a deputy) successfully got put away one perpetrator for life and the other for 14+ years. Everything that I heard from my friend was only high praise for everyone in the office, including the boss. The guy apparently lives for putting bad guys away, and my friend finds it difficult to believe that he (the prosecutor) would grandstand for political gain.
The defense counsel for one of the murderers is highly involved in this case as well. I believe that the term that my friend used (and was later repeated by his father) is "absolute motherfucker". There were obviously some emotional scars here since son/brother/victim was only 22 and really did nothing wrong, but at one point my friend was talking about sueing the defense counsel because he was so angry. That's not going to happen, but my point is that some of the lawyers involved are both very good and very slick. In my friend's case, there was never really any doubt as guilt or not since there were dozens of witnesses and phone tap confessions, but there seems to be a crack of daylight in the rape case.
I'm going to repeat my thoughts from Post #10 - it's hard to take sides on this one.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo