I love hearing from you guys - it reassures me that there really are lots of intelligent women taking control. My sister doesn't seem to think it's a good idea, and I just don't get it. I've done the research, I'm not an idiot, I just want to be safe and healthy!
Sage - yes, I was damned happy about the 2nd opinion. His reaction on the whole ureaplasma thing was: "Why did she even test for that? They never do unless there's some unexplained event/illness..." Yep. And don't get me started about how she was SOOOOO worried about that and yet NEVER RE-TESTED FOR IT AGAIN AFTER THE COLPOSCOPY. Arggh.
Lurkette - Faking it is now in, how exciting!

French fries. My comfort food is french fries. Or Fluff. Take your pick.
Raeanna - I completely understand. If that were an issue, I'd reconsider too. And yeah... I seriously considered just curling into a ball and dying after that colposcopy.
Medusa - I am seriously hoping that I don't spot for 6 months... but I have a feeling that I will. I spot pretty easily. Hell, that's a good portion of my "cycle"!
Updates after Friday to follow... whee!