Originally Posted by baronmandark
her mom lives in kansas alone, she was molested in that house when she was very young by her then step-brother, I think seeing that house again from the perspective of an actual "relationship" scared the hell out of her, but this is just a guess. Her mom absolutely loves me, we talk like old friends. What do you all think, maybe she is reliving her past when I touch her? If so, how can I help her.
Did she have any kind of couselling to deal with the molestation? Anything is possible that the trip home - if she hadn't been there in a while - could have brought back bad memories...
I'd talk about it with her... and see what she's thinking...
Go slow with her and see where she's willing to go - start with kissing and good old fashioned making out on the couch in front of a movie (people do stilldo that don't they???

Don't put pressure on her to go further... and see where she leads you.
Originally Posted by baronmandark
and dont think that my problem is the norm, I know countless married couples who are happier IN EVERY WAY than they have ever been.
There's actually quite a few threads in this forum on what you are describing... that their partner's libido has changed... the answer is always -- Communicate...
Sounds like you're doing that... but it' the right communication that's not happening...
Instead of "honey, we never have sex anymore... blah blah", try "honey, I love giving you back rubs, and feeling close to you -- would you let me do that..." and work up from there...
Patience grasshopper... sounds like you want to save this marriage..