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Old 04-18-2006, 07:08 AM   #60 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Again I point to these 2 examples that the (for use of terminology only) Illegals advocates seem to ignore and not address.

Originally Posted by pan6467
If I go into a grocery store and I steal $100's of food because I am dirt poor and need to feed my family, when I get caught am I not going to jail?

Don't prices go up to make up for the store's losses I cost them?

Am I not going to have to make restitution?

No matter what the reason, am I not still breaking the law and costing people far more money?

Then why the fuck are we even having this discussion? Illegal immigrants are doing just that to our country.


Originally Posted by pan6467
In Hartville, Ohio a farm that works closely with a Jam/Jelly company hired ILLEGALS. 3 of them got trashed held up a convienence store shot and killed 2 adults and 3 kids. These ILLEGALS were caught, but instead of facing trial for murder they got deported back to Mexico WITH NO FINES and were back in the US a year later. (If you need proof I'll scan the newspaper article for you.)
So why are you advocates ignoring the facts?

Are you eager to watch these ILLEGALS abuse our system set aside for taxpayers so that the system is truly no longer there?

Are you so eager to see $1 BILLION of our tax dollars go to hospitals so that these ILLEGALS can get free medical while people like myself who work their asses off are forced to near bankruptcy?

Are you eager to see these scumbags sue and take up precious tax dollars and court time suing the government because we don't accomodate their language?

Where does it end?

I'm liberal, I'm a hippy John Lennon follower in most aspects but there has to come a time when for the good of my children and their progeny I have to take a stand and say, "ENOUGH, This is wrong and there is no excuse for it."

That time has come.

I see arguments that NAFTA has made the Mexican economy bad. I see people on here blaming the US for the Mexican economy.

Ignorance. Mexico has NEVER had a strong economy and has always been in turmoil of some sort. IT IS NOT OUR FAULT AND IT IS NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ABSORB THEIR PEOPLES.

Hell, our own economy is on an extremely shaky ground...... we cannot absorb these ILLEGALS and expect our economy to stay healthy. What happens when these parasites destroy our economy? Is Mexico going to absorb us as illegals into their country? Is Mexico going to bend down and kiss our ass and wipe it for us as we shit on their system, like so many ILLEGALS do here to us?

I find it sad that some of my fellow liberals whom I agree with much more than I disagree with use opposite arguments to serve their purpose.

On one side they argue we are not responsible for other countries have no right to go in and take someone's sovereignty and are spending way too much on a war that we should never have gotten into.

Then in the next breath all those points get warped and turned the other way to support ILLEGALS. All of a sudden we ARE responsible for other countries, we MUST stabilize Mexico, the ILLEGALS HAVE RIGHTS to BILLIONS of our tax dollars and to destroy the system for those who were born here, work hard and pay taxes.... in fact we don't spend enough on them now.

Doesn't anyone else see the hypocrasy, insanity and just plain stupidity in any of this?

These ILLEGAL advocates seem to see nothing wrong with the ILLEGALS refusal to even attempt to assimilate into our culture. They seem to believe it is OUR responsibility to change our culture to suit these ILLEGALS.

My ancestors did not expect the US to bow down and change culture to suit them...... Rather they worked hard to assimilate into the American system and become American. Not German-American, not Irish-American, or Italian-American.... they became US American citizens and were proud to do so.

I have come to the conclusion that we have worked so hard not to offend anyone, to bend over backward to accomodate everyone and to try to help everyone but ourselves that we have all gone insane and destroyed our great country and what it once stood for.

There comes a time when you have to step away from helping others and look deep within to make sure that you haven't given up so much that you have nothing left.

It's like my job, when I first started I was eager to give and give and give to people..... but then I kept seeing the same people and they weren't progressing and they were looking for me to give more and when I couldn't because I just didn't have it to give they focussed on what I couldn't give them and not on what I had given.

So they complained that I didn't care and whatever. It got to the point I nearly burnt out. But instead I realized...... I can give all I can but in the end I have to maintain what is best for me and stay true to myself.

So I give all I can but I no longer give to the point of my sanity, values and morals. I suggest some others look deep within themselves and find out why they feel the need to give away more than they have to appease people committing ILLEGAL acts and using our system to suit what they want as they take and take but refuse to put anything back into it.

It's like the rich in this country, they are the opposite. They take and take and rape the system and the workers and put as little as possible back into the system. And complain the whole time.

Surely we can find a common area where ALL can survive together and there is enough for everyone.

Then and only then can we even think about giving to ILLEGALS and work to absorb them, but first and foremost we must clean and fix our own house before we do.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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