Originally Posted by analog
willravel: I agree with you to a point, but this disorder is not something from which one can be rehabilitated. If he'd spend the rest of his life in an asylum, I say forget the tax dollars it would take and end his life now. Hospitals for the mentally ill like this guy would go to, are tremendously expensive to operate. I don't see the point in keeping around such a dangerous individual.
I agree with you about the sensationalizing, but it's the way news operates now.
I'm sure most people know I am completly agains the death penalty, but this case didn't even make me think of that. You can't give the death penalty to children, mentally disabled or disturbed, or the terminally ill. We're better than that. This man is not simply a bad man, he is a sick man who functions in a different way than you or I. Because of that, he should not be treated like you or I.
I should also say that there is no disorder with a 100% failure rate of treatment. To state as fact that this man cannot be rehabilitated beyond a reasonable doubt is incorrect. Even if there were a 1/100,000 chance of rehabilitating this man, we should try. Even if he couldn't be healed, it's possible that in studying his disorders doctors could diagnose peopel with similar disorders with a greater efficency (which could save the next victim). I'd hate to miss the chance to save a life from torture simply out of a vendetta. Does he deserve to be punished? Almost certianally. Was what he did absolutely sickening? Absolutely. Would there be a reasonable risk of it happening again if he were in an institution for the criminally insane? No.