This man obviously suffers from a very rare kind of disorder: anthropophagal paraphilia. This man is not well, and obviosuly should be under the supervision of psychologists for the rest of his life. To execute the insane (using the term 'insane' loosely) is obviously wrong, and to imprison someone this disturbed would be VERY dangerous to other prisoners. This man is the reason there are asylums for the criminally insane.
Leaving the man aside for the moment, I can't imagine the pain of discovering a friend or loved one had been a victim of such a cruel and unnatural death. I occasionally worry that someone I know will be involved in a car accedent or maybe have cancer, but to be suffocated, raped, and then plans were made to ingest her? It's disgusting and unsettling in a way that I've n ever even considered in my worst nightmares. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and other loved ones of that poor girl. I can't begin to imagine their sorrow and shock.