I've just d/l'd the client and I'm ready to start but I had a couple of questions I won't be getting answers to in a tutorial...
- What's it like to solo in this game? Is joining a corp the only way to get through life (or the universe and everything)
- Can any race join any corp? [edit got this one, requires a special skill]
- how often do newbs get ganked and then have their pod ganked as well? assuming i don't do stupid stuff like take my newb ship to low security areas
- how many game missions require spawn camping for a unique mob? (are they called mobs in space?) I think I might have played in the beta for this game and recall that being an issue...
and finally, how much new content has been added since release? are the devs active?
Thanks to anyone who can pitch in on these...
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If you can read this in English, thank a veteran.