For those confused...
Originally Posted by Merriam-Webster
Main Entry: flat·tery
Pronunciation: 'fla-t&-rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ter·ies
1 a : the act or practice of flattering b (1) : something that flatters (2) : insincere or excessive praise
I think you should make it a point to genuinely encourage those around you, give praise where it's deserved and be complimentary when you honestly can. It's the excessive fawning for fawning's sake, which is the very essence of flattery, that I can't stand.
It's fairly obvious when someone is trying to flatter me. It usually leads to a nice, awkward silence as they wait for me to mindlessly compliment them in return. Their self-esteem problems aren't really mine to fix, so I tend to keep my mouth shut or redirect the conversation if I can't find something to honestly compliment them on.
Genuine compliments, at least in the professional sense, I've no problem accepting. I'm very confident in my abilities in relation to my job. Personal praise...I've a hard time acknowledging. For what reason and where the disconnect is, I couldn't say.