Using Flattery - Does it work on you?
I've been thinking about the impact of writing and words on people. Personally, I'm a little like a rock when it comes to people trying to conciously influence me. If I get my heart broken, I'll be crushed, but if some one is trying to break my heart, it won't happen.
What really got me htinking about this, though, was that the other day I made a post on my own little blog about a girl I liked and apparently it was nice enough that she almost cried.
Since I'm a bit of an ass instead of emotional it got me to wondering about how flattery can influence a person.
When people try it on me I can generally see straight through it. I think people are full of shit so even if a close friend says nice things I can pretty much just assume it's them trying to be nice to me for one reason or another. I don't honestly believe people are being nice to be for the sake of saying nice things, and when they don't have a motive and I know it I generally just kind of ignore it since it's just them being nice and since thtey don't have a motive, there's nothing for me to think about. I guess I'm a bit manipulative sometimes.
And that got me to thinking, how are you influenced by flattery? Are you? If you are or aren't, what are some examples or different things that can be said that will influence you?
Apart of why I ask is that I'm not particularly social, so I have to kind of make socialness into a science for me to figure out so that I can be more persuasive about things.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips