Originally Posted by raeanna74
One small question - Why does he not have work?
Also - your relationship may be on it's six year anniversary but how much of that time have you been married??
personally I have a feeling, from what you told us about the situation, that the biggest problem is not the porn so much as his lack of interest in you. I don't see how looking at porn could make him less interested in you. For a number of guys I know, looking at porn just makes them more horny and more interested in actual sex. He's not avoiding sex because he's too tired or looked at too much porn. Something else is wrong that he's not admitting to.- That's just my 2 cents worth.
From my own experiences with using erotica/porn I find that after a time it all starts to look the same if I view too much of it. Instead of enhancing my sensuality it deadens it if consumed in excess. I am assuming that this is, at least a part of the problem. Another factor I think is that when one fills their eyes with gorgous 20 yr olds it's easier to overlook the fact that you are yourself getting older, it's not so easy to do that when you're face to face with your middle aged partner.
Also, our eyes are literally bombed with image after image of perfect, tan, young beautiful people, in magazines, on tv, in movies, in porn etc.For an increasing number of people it becomes harder to get aroused/excited over real time partners. It is also something of a depressant, particularly if a guy has unemployment or other self-esteem lowering issues going on in his life.