When we invaded Grenada, many people hadn't heard of that country and thought we made up a plan and then carried it out. Actually, we already had a plan on the shelf, dusted it off, updated it and executed it.
We have plans for every possible contingency.
As someone pointed out earlier, having attack plans is not the same as planning to attack. When the military is not at war, it is preparing for it in terms of planning and training.
I don't think we will attack Iran immediately. I think we will see the whole sequence of diplomacy, UN sanctions, etc unfold before there's any real military action unless the Iranians do something so monumentally stupid that we have no choice but to attack. Read that to mean any terrorist act that is tied to Iran. I'm not sure the Iranian leadership understands that.
As for the recent rhetoric coming from Iran, that's just the way they talk. It truly is. We're dealing with the culture that originated The Tales of the Arabian Nights. The language is imbedded with colorful adjectives and adverbs meant to emphasize and exaggerate meanings; it is not to be taken literally. The problem is that our culture often overreacts to such hyperbole and rhetoric, especially when it comes from the Iranian leadership.